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Eric Price received his Masters in Fine Arts from the New York Academy of Art in 2019. He has studied painting with Vincent Desiderio, Peter Drake, Michael Grimaldi, Edgar Jerins, Bernardo Siciliano, Manu Saluja, Patrick Connors, Roberto Osti, Wade Schuman, Audrey Flack, Dan Gheno, Marshall Jones, and Sam Adoquei. Price is a Stephen and Palmina Pace Foundation, Inc., Treasurer of the Alumni Association of the New York Academy of Art, and served on the the Advisory Board of the Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA.

Price has held successful executive management and marketing positions at Grove/Atlantic, Melville House, Quercus (a division of Hachette), and Henry Holt.


Eric Price lives in New York City and Provincetown, MA with his husband. Eric Price can be reached at


Eric Price is represented by Greg Salvatori Gallery in Provicnetown, MA

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