Caleb spent most of his formative years in Budapest, Hungary, and Alberta, Canada. After graduating from Union University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2011, he spent two years in Rome, Italy, as an Artist-in-Residence and later as manager of Accendere Gallery. Leaving Italy, he pursued a Master of Fine Arts degree at the New York Academy of Art, which he completed in 2016. He was selected for the Artist-in-Residence program at Byrdcliffe in Woodstock, NY as well as the recipient of the Artist-in-Residence Teaching award at the West Nottingham Academy. He has shown work in the U.S., Canada, Italy, and China. Caleb is currently an Assistant Professor of Studio Art at Cedarville University.
Artist statement
The heart of my work stems from my faith as a Christian—the nature of which is the constant tension between what is seen and what is unseen.
I am fascinated by the inert material world and the mystery of the immaterial life that animates it. We are more than flesh and bone, blood and skin. We are also soul and spirit, conscience and emotions. In all these things I see the fingerprint of God.
My work allows me to wrestle with these realities in a meaningful way, participating in and magnifying the glory of God.
To this end the works of art become altars and Ebenezers, mile markers and dreams, parables and prophecies, testimonies and witnesses. They embody the landscape between what I see and what I feel, what I know and what I am discovering. They are narrative and artifact, questions and answers, symbol and song.